December 22, 2009

I'm Lost, Please Take me Home with You! :(

(with the help of PAWS we were able to get this cute puppy adopted in a loving new home)
Adorable puppy (around 3 to 4 months old) needs a loving home immediately. The poor thing lives at a bus stop and is being harassed by heartless people. Please help spread the word and get him adopted.

Hurry! He's so sad! :(

To adopt him please leave a message here or write to PAWS on Facebook.

(Availability: Karachi only)

December 13, 2009

Adopt the Little Brown Puppy - Karachi

A little brown street puppy is looking for a loving family to adopt him. He is 6 week old and needs a permanent place to live in.

Those interested in adopting this puppy should write to or visit PAWS on Facebook.

Please spread this message and help us find him a loving home.

(Availability: Karachi only)

Image Source: PAWS Pakistan

December 10, 2009

Adopt a Dog - Karachi only

This loving young dog was rescued from the streets of Karachi a few months ago. He is neutered, vaccinated and very healthy.

Email us at if you would like to adopt him.

If you would like to help us find a home for him, feel free to print out the flyer here and post at a few public places:

PAWS Pakistan

December 09, 2009

Smokey needs a home - Pet Adoption

Smokey is a female cat who was rescued off the streets of Karachi. She has been vaccinated and de-wormed. Love to play and cuddle. Please help her find a loving home.

If you want to adopt Smokey then write to

Source: PAWS on facebook

December 03, 2009

Karachi Animal Hospital - Saving Lives!

Karachi Animal Hospital, in collaboration with PAWS are offering the stray animals in Karachi a chance to a better life. The Animal Hospital provides the latest facility in veterinary surgery, pet consultancy, pet grooming and stud services. They also make house calls in emergency situations and have a successful Mobile Veterinary Clinical program. Many injured stray animals have been treated at their facility and are now adopted into loving homes.

If you find any animal injured or abandoned in your area or have a pet that needs professional medical care, please take them directly to
Karachi Animal Hospital or contact Dr. Otho at 03212471053 .

Karachi Animal Hospital

21 C Lane 2,
Komal Arcade
Khayaban -e- Rahmat
Phase VI
Defence Housing Authority, KArachi, Pakistan

Clinic timings: 10am to 8pm

Please don't leave an animal in distress. Instead take them to Karachi Animal Hospital immediately for treatment and care! Pass this message on so that more animals can be saved.

Image Source: PawsPakistan

October 26, 2009

I'm Pew Wew. Will you ADOPT me?

Hello. I'm Pew Wew. I'm a 3 weeks old kitten. I lost my mommy and was roaming around streets for three days, hungry and scared. But a nice lady found me and now I'm living in her bedroom. But my foster mommy can't keep me for long.

I'm potty trained, very playful and will follow you around like a puppy dog. I also like to play hide n seek... anything that moves under a sheet, I will go n seek :D

I need a caring home and I will give you unconditional love in return.
Please ADOPT me!

Note: Available in Karachi.

October 05, 2009

4 Siamese Kitten available for Adoption

4 Pure Breed, Double Coated and Trained Siamese Kittens are available for adoption. These kittens are absolutely adorable and are looking for loving homes.

If you want to adopt any of these playful kittens then please write to PAWS here or send a direct message to the owner.


October 03, 2009

WWF's Creative 'Save the Animals' Campaign

Recently I came across a very interesting ad by WWF. The ad is not only creative but touches us while sending out the message of global warming and its negative affects on animals, especially those living in the polar regions. Take a look...


September 28, 2009

Adopt an Adorable Kitten!

All kinds of mixed, Persian, Siamese and non-pedigrees available for adoption at PAWS.
These kittens are playful, potty-trained and well behaved. To Adopt Please write to PAWS on Facebook or View Photos here.

August 14, 2009

Foods your Pet should NOT be Eating

Did you know that feeding your pet human food can be fatal for its health? Yes, that's true. Not only can some human foods cause illness in your pet, but a few can even lead to your pet's death. Cats and dogs are more prone to such issues.

So today I bring to you a list of some of the Foods you should NOT treat your Pet to:

Chocolates: While many a times cats and dogs have a keen sense of what food is bad for them, this is one food that they will not be able to resist. Chocolate is nothing less than poison for your pet as it contains theobromine which can cause cardiac arrest in your pet. Animals tend to act hyperactive after eating (any kind of) chocolate and it might also cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Onions and Garlic: Consumption of these ingredients by your pet can cause it to get really sick. In dogs, generally red blood cells start to burst. Although most pets won't show any symptoms of sickness until after a few days. Avoid feeding your pets any left over pizza, raw onions, Chinese food, left over food or any baby food.

Nuts and Raisins: Eating these will weaken your pets muscles and may cause paralysis along with swelling.

Other foods that you should NOT give to your pets include:
>> Coffee or tea
>> Avocado and Grapes
>> Peaches, apricots, apple, plums and pears
>> Rhubarb leaves, Tomato leaves or stem and Broccoli
>> Green potatoes and potato peels
>> Spoiled food and yeast dough
>> Alcohol and Tobacco

Hopefully this list covers most food that is bad for animals. So be careful what you feed your pet. Just because you like something doesn't mean that it will be good for your pet too. Only feed your pet recommended animal food, the one that has been specially made for it.

In case of your pet eating any of the above given foods, contact a vet immediately or take your pet to an animal specialist pronto.

July 27, 2009

Penguin Love: Together Forever!

"When a penguin finds it's mate, they stay together forever."

The largest and the most beautiful of all penguin species, the Emperor Penguin is known for it's remarkable loyalty to it's mate. These penguins can migrate over 70 miles to reach breeding ground in peak winter season. The Emperor Penguin will travel miles in search of it's mate and then remain faithful to it for life. Even in the largest of their colonies, these penguins will call out to their partner until their find it. (Hence the quote 'Penguin Love')

The male and females share duties in order to take care of their offspring. Generally after laying the egg the females go looking for food while the males are left to care for it. Sometimes the females can be gone for two full months while the males make sure that the egg stays warm. While waiting for their partner to return, the male penguins won't eat at all. Females usually return once the egg is hatched and resume their caretaker duties.

Since the Emperor penguin lives in large groups, sometimes it becomes hard for the mates to keep track of each other. However, nature has bestowed them with a unique ability to communicate with a variety of vocal sounds and at various frequencies which allows them to hear each other.

The Emperor penguins are also very social. They often hunts together and most of their efforts are coordinated. Known as the warriors of nature, these penguins can live up to 20 years in the wild and are listed as the species that is least likely to get extinct any time soon.

July 08, 2009

Protest against the Captivity of Baby Elephants in Karachi

Four infant elephants, caught from Tanzania, have arrived in Karachi. Despite pressure from international organizations these infants were forcibly removed from their mothers, even resulting in the death of one mother elephant as she tried to retrieve her baby.

Source: PAWS Pakistan

We Protest Strongly Against such Animal Cruelty!

While the physical health dangers for elephants held in captivity are great, their life span runs low and the quality of life ultimately decreases. Elephants should not be taken away from their natural habitats as they often develop severe mental disorders and health issues in captivity. Zoos in Karachi are incapable of providing the baby elephants the much deserved care, hence they will remain deprived of their basic health care and other needs such as dusting facilities and wallows where they need to bathe and get their regular exercise. It is outrightly unjust and cruel to take away baby animals from their mothers and authorities who participated in it should be ashamed of themselves. The government should send these poor creatures back to their natural habitat and stop participating in such cruel acts against animals just for the sake of money.

June 25, 2009

Birdie Care 101 - Caring for your Budgie

Everyone loves budgies. Whether you are young or old, these colorful birds are likely to catch your interest with their antics. Also known as Parakeets, budgies are the distant relatives of the Australian Parrots. Interestingly, budgies are the most widely kept bird in the world.

Domestic Budgies
There are two kinds of budgies: Wild and Domestic. The wild budgies can be up to or over 10 inches long and are found in Australia. The budgies that we keep are called the domestic budgies. These are generally 6 to 7 inches in length. Both the domestic and wild budgies come in an array of color that expand from yellow to green, blue, white and every hue in between.

Budgie Care Basics
If you live in Pakistan, you know that it's very easy to buy these birds. A single pair of these birds can cost anywhere from Rs. 250 to Rs. 400. And while shopkeepers give you the basic food and necessary items for these birds, in order to really care for them you need to know a few basics.
  • Cage Size: Keep your budgie in a large cage as they require plenty of exercise. The minimum length of the cage for 2 to 4 budgies should be approximately 2 feet and width should be 3 feet.
  • Budgie Hygiene: Keep the cage clean. Make sure that the cage has a slide tray and can be properly cleaned on daily basis. Also keep the water and food bowls clean to avoid any hygiene problems.
  • Wide Spaces: Budgies flourish in wide cages and since they need some flying space, horizontal cages are preferred over vertical ones.
  • Sunlight Exposure: Keep the bird cage away from direct sunlight and extensive heat, as budgies can die or get sick.
  • Calcium Needs: Budgies need calcium as it helps them grow and keeps their feathers from falling. Therefore keep a calcium block(preferably 'sea foam' calcium) in the budgies cage.
  • Mineral Needs: Also keep a small block of 'Lahori namak' in the cage as it contains healthy mineral content and budgies love to lick this.
Treating your Pet - The Sad Part
It's rather sad to see that many of us treat these beautiful birds as mere toys. Most parents buy them because their kids ask them to, not caring the least bit about how they would be kept. Many people keep these birds out under the bright hot sun, in small crapped cages. You must know that if you want to keep a pet (be it a cat, dog, fish or birds) you should know how to treat it properly, otherwise you don't deserve to keep one. Don't let kids poke these birds or man-handle them. If you are buying someone a budgie, make sure s/he understands how to treat animals.

So that's it for this week. Until next time... take good care of your budgies! Cheers :)

June 08, 2009

Adopt a Pet Today!

Interested in adopting a pet?
Looking for a dog/puppy?
Want to bring home a cute cat/kitten?
Visit PAWS and adopt a Pet Today!*
Provide a loving home to a cat or a dog.
Its very simple...
Just write to PAWS on Facebook and adopt a pet!

*applicable for people living in Karachi only

May 18, 2009

Islamabad - The Bird Watcher's Paradise!

A ten minute drive from Islamabad will take you to a mountainous region linked to one of the wetlands of Pakistan. The area is teeming with birds that range from rare breeds to exotic. Only keen ornithologists would know that Islamabad is a birdwatchers delight and the best place in Pakistan to observe rare bird species. The country's capital boasts over 400 bird species, and while some locals might still be amused with this sport, various ambassadors and tourist from foreign countries do make a stop in Islamabad to catch a glimpse of the winged wildlife.

Birdwatching expeditions are generally conducted on the Margalla Hills. These are located on the outskirts of Islamabad and offer a lush relaxed environment. Those of you who are interested in observing birds, do make a trip to these green hills and make sure you do it early in the morning, as that is the best time to catch a glimpse of the birds.

Pakistan lies on the Indus flyway. This is a major flight path for many birds that fly from Siberia to the delta of the Indus river on the Arabian Sea, making it easier to spot birds flying in from Russia and Central Asia.

May 16, 2009

Animals with Casts

Check out photos of the cutest animals with casts at tumblr :)

May 11, 2009

Animal Suffering at Karachi Zoo

Last week in Karachi's Zoological Garden a puma died. While the authorities claim that it died of lung failure, no one seemed too willing to spill the beans on as to what really the cause was. Almost a month before that it was a black leopard that died (causes of its death were claimed to be TB). Prior to these deaths other animals have also died, more likely out of sheer neglect or because of illness (as the zoo authorities like to claim). Animals that died in Karachi Zoo over the past year include pelicans, llamas, a tigress, a bear, a female leopard, a lion, two baby chimpanzees, pumas, zebras and an ostrich. Also the much celebrated zoo elephant, the famous Anarkali also died sometime back in the zoo.

While the zoo was renovated a few years back, no real care of the animals in the zoo is being taken. There are injured animals with deformities, animals that are overfed and creatures whose health seem to decline soon after they reach the zoo. The main reason for this being that the zoo staff does not really know how to properly take care of these animals.

But the zoo authorities are not the only culprits. Visitors at the zoo can usually be seen throwing garbage at the animals, poking them with sticks and catcalling. Must the poor captivated animals be treated like that? It's really a sad state of affairs. Currently the zoo is also understaffed and lacks animal doctors.

Read related article @ DAWN

May 10, 2009

Adopt Cadbury - Help him find a Good Home

Cadbury - a Rat Terrier (small breed) is available for adoption in Karachi
Please help it find a good home.

Cadbury is a shy dog, brown in color, weighs 4 kg and stands 15 inches tall. He is healthy, active and is an absolutely loving dog.

Interested parties please contact the dog's owner or PAWS on Facebook

Animal Cruelty - Sad Dilemma for Us

Sometimes the sheer intensity of animal cruelty can appall us. An example of animal cruelty came forward when PAWS tried to rescue a badly injured donkey off the street of DHA here in Karachi over a month back. The donkey apparently had an owner who had although left the poor animal to wander the streets on its own, however he also didn't allow anyone to take to donkey or give it proper medical care. The Brooke staff (an organization for working animals) also tried to rescue the donkey earlier.

The animal was seen by many near Abdullah Shah Gazi mazar time and time again. PAWS and some volunteers also tried offering the donkey owner all possible help. This was again denied. Despite repeated requests by both, the Brooke staff and PAWS, the donkey owner did not do anything for the injured animal, claiming every time to have the donkey's leg fixed.

The good news is that PAWS was finally able to rescue the poor animal, with vets from Karachi Veterinary Hospital providing medical assistance. The donkey has finally been shifted to the Edhi Animal Shelter.

Although this animal was rescued, many still don't make it or are denied attention by their owners. It's a sad sad dilemma and many of us need to search our hearts and ponder as to why we do not stop such cruelty. Humans are not the only ones who can feel pain, animals do too. For those of us who do not pertain to animal cruelty, the least you can do is help stop it and tell of the person conducting such a crime against animal kind.

Photo Source: PAWS Pakistan

May 08, 2009

Persian Cat & Kittens Require a Good Home!

A Persian Cat and her 3 adorable kitten desperately require a good home. The cat and her kittens were abandoned by someone at a meat house in Karachi and have been rescued by a very kindhearted person. Please contact PAWS or write to them here if you are interested in adopting them.
View Photos

May 07, 2009

Adabdoned Animal? Call 115!

For those of us who can't stand the sight of abandoned or injured street animals around Karachi, call the Edhi Animal Shelter at 115 . Currently the shelter has 2 vehicles dedicated solely to animal rescue. Once you have placed your call, the animal shelter people will come to pick up the abandoned or injured street animal and transport them to the shelter. Animals including dogs, cats, birds and donkeys etc. are taken by the shelter.

However, one drawback to this service at the moment is that once the animal reaches Edhi Animal Shelter it just might not get the needed medical care required, especially if it's an emergency case. The shelter often does not have a veterinarian available to respond to medical emergencies. The best they are doing at the moment is to transport the animals to the shelter where a vet tends to visit occasionally, but for animals injured badly or in need of medical emergency, calling the shelter is probably not the best choice. There is just one guard for the place and no real caretaker for the animals. Also even if you manage to send an animal there, there are no guarantees that it will be treated.

Unfortunately as there are no other animal shelters in the city this is the best there is and the only hope for at least the abandoned animals. Rest assured, the animals are fed there and can at least find a safe place away from the harsh city life and animal cruelty.

You can help by sending your donations to Edhi specifically for the Animal Shelter so that it can become a proper facility. Efforts need to be made on a larger scale and more people are required come and to volunteer or help in any possible way that they can to save the street animals from cruelty and assist in making such a place a proper facility.

May 06, 2009

ADOPT a Mixed Breed Puppy

Three mixed breed puppies are looking for loving homes here in Karachi. The puppies are now 4 months old and have been Dewormed and Vaccinated. Please spread the word around ASAP otherwise they will be shifted to the Edhi Animal Shelter! Read Details here

May 05, 2009

Edhi Animal Shelter

The Edhi Animal Shelter is situated in Karachi, near Toll Plaza, off the superhighway. This animal shelter is the first and one of its kind in Pakistan. Although it's no sanctuary at the moment, the shelter stands very stark, but it is however the only place that is providing injured and abandoned animals a safe abode from the harsh city life. While many treat animals cruelly and abandon their own pets at times, there are still some who are making an effort to protect them by offering them a safe place, and the Edhi Animal Shelter is one such example.